Timetable für die Elektronische Nacht 2007
21:00h - 21:30h Sykle Gonzales
21:30h - 23:00 DJ Chillbreaker
23:00h - 0:30h Pepe Deluxe
0:30h - 2:00 Chris Richi
2:00h - 3:30h Flowmotion
3:30h - 5:00h DJ Örny
5:00h - end *all behind the decks*
ab 10:00h schlafen
21:00h - 21:30h Sykle Gonzales
21:30h - 23:00 DJ Chillbreaker
23:00h - 0:30h Pepe Deluxe
0:30h - 2:00 Chris Richi
2:00h - 3:30h Flowmotion
3:30h - 5:00h DJ Örny
5:00h - end *all behind the decks*
ab 10:00h schlafen
Format_C - Do, 26. Jul, 22:34 abgelegt unter: in eigener Sache